Heather Norris Harrison works as the MEP Advocate/Intake Specialist at Judi’s Place for Kids. Heather graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She has been involved in the social service field since 2004. Heather has worked as a social service clinician for DCBS, a victims advocate at the 24th Judicial Commonwealth Attorney’s office, as a community corrections officer for 24th Judicial circuit, and at Judi’s Place for Kids in victim advocacy since 2017. Notable achievements have been a Growing Up Safe Award for Outstanding Social Worker, successfully completing Team Training with Canine Companions for Independence, and providing Judi’s Place for Kids with Leslee, the facility dog.
Heather has been married to her husband Michael since 2004 and they have one daughter Killian. Her hobbies include baking, true crime, Disney, and all of Killian's extracurricular activities.